How to Redeem a Voucher
For Gift Experience Vouchers:
Have your Gift Voucher to hand
To check availability, select ‘Book Now’ in the top right hand corner
Choose Redeem a Gift Voucher from the drop down menu and click ‘Check availability’
Follow the links to either redeem an overnight stay, spa experience or dining experience voucher
For Hotel and Spa Vouchers:
Click ‘Do you have a Gift Voucher or Promotion Code’
Enter the Promo Code on your voucher – eg This can be found half way down your voucher, is case sensitive and starts with a V
Choose the date of your experience and follow the steps to make your booking
‘Add Additional Guest’ / ‘Add Additional Room’ as necessary
Enter your voucher reference number in the Voucher Code Box – eg 246585-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx. This can be found at the bottom of your voucher.
When you reach the ‘Complete your Booking’ section, continue and enter your details under Booker Information
Complete the details of your booking
We require your card details to:
Guarantee your reservation
To charge any outstanding balance for additional guests or experiences not covered by your voucher
For Dining Vouchers:
Follow the steps to complete your reservation.
Enter your Voucher Reference number eg 246585-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx, in the ‘Special Requirements’ box
For Golf Vouchers:
Email with your booking requirements and voucher reference number and a member of the team will check availability for you